The benefits of Green Tea

The benefits of Green Tea

Green tea is a type of tea that is made from Camellia leaves.

It has been used not only as a beverage but as medicine because of the powerful medicinal properties it has.

The main reason of this purpose is because of the catechin in it.

It is an antioxidant that can:

-       Prevent cell damage in your body

-       Favors the cardiovascular system

-       Prevents damage in muscles

-       Kill bacteria and inhibit viruses in your month

-       Improve dental health and a lower risk of caries

-       Reduce bad breath

-       Decrease blood “bad” cholesterol.

-       Reduce inflammation excellent for people with skin conditions or arthritis


It’s also believed to help kill cancerous cells and stop them from growing. However, the exact mechanisms by which tea interacts with cancerous cells is unknown.


Green tea also has:

L-theanine that provides a calming and relaxing effect to the brain protecting neuronal cells, preventing stress, lowering your blood pressure and improving mood.

Less caffeine than coffee, green tea is a great alternative to increase alertness, reaction time and memory without getting the caffeine jitters.


So, now that you know all the benefits of the green tea, start slow but steady with this great habit! You won’t regret it!

Check out our green teas in Grocery > Teas > Green Teas

Choose one and enjoy it!


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#relaxation #calm #relax #enjoy #lowstress #enojoytea

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