About Wheat Free

About Wheat Free

Hello again!

Today were presenting the Wheat free seal.

Wheat is one of the world's most commonly consumed cereal grains. It comes from a type of grass called Triticum.
The health effects of starch mainly depend on its digestibility, which determines its effect on blood sugar levels.
Some of the most nutritious parts of the grain — the bran and germ — are absent from white wheat because they’re removed during the milling and refining process.

This certification is a way to help people who have wheat allergy to avoid wheat in many foods, including some you might not suspect, such as soy sauce, ice cream and hot dogs.

If you're allergic to wheat it means that you're allergic to any of the four types of wheat proteins:  albumin, globulin, gliadin and gluten.

We want you to know there’s an important difference between wheat allergy and gluten intolerance because these conditions differ, and this is usually confusing.

Wheat allergy occurs when your body produces antibodies to proteins found in wheat.

In celiac disease, a specific protein in wheat — gluten — causes a different kind of abnormal immune system reaction.

So if you have a gluten intolerance, the term “wheat-free” alone is not enough, because that product could have gluten from other grains such us barley, rye, triticale, oats and other wheat varieties. Be aware!


Soon more info about certifications.

Till next time!

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